private VLAN and aggregated bandwidth with 95th percentile billing

private VLAN and aggregated bandwidth with 95th percentile billing

by Roy

With 10 points of presence, over 800 peering partners and a network capacity exceeding 8 Tbit per second, we’re one of the largest IaaS hosting providers in Europe and the US. And we’re still growing fast. To better serve you, and our great variety of demanding customers, we’re introducing two new features.

Our clients all have two things in common: they need extreme-performance, low-latency bare metal hosting to compete in their vertical and they want an IaaS provider that cooperates with them, instead of serving them a standard product.

Apart from that, companies in video streaming, conferencing or gaming , value-added resellers and storage providers have hugely diverging functional demands. This is why our development teams always work directly with clients, collecting their feedback and letting their demands drive the development of new services, features and hardware.

From this powerful synergy now emerge two powerful new features: aggregated bandwidth (enabling 95th percentile billing) and private VLAN.

Aggregated bandwidth and 95th percentile billing

You are now able to bundle your NovoServe servers into an aggregated bandwidth pool. This offers you an alternative to the conventional billing model where bandwidth usage is billed per server and you pay extra if any server uses more bandwidth than is allocated. At the same time, other servers may be working far beneath their allocated bandwidth.

When using an aggregated bandwidth pool, the allocated bandwidths of all the servers in the pool are added up and you only pay the fee when you exceed that total bandwidth. If you’re a reseller and your customers have different consumption patterns, this means you can bundle their servers together and only pay for the highest peaks. This creates many ways to increase your margins and make your business more predictable.

Aggregated bandwidth pools enable 95th percentile billing (also known as burstable billing). Until now, we’ve only offered billing based on actual usage per server. But many of our customers need 95th percentile billing, since it provides more predictable costs and rewards predictable usage of resources. In some markets, this form of billing is the de facto standard and by adopting it, we can accommodate clients from these markets more easily.

Private VLAN

With the new private VLAN feature in our data centers, we offer the possibility of using separate uplinks for external traffic and internal communications between your servers. Traffic on the internal uplink will be free of charge, except for a set monthly fee per server. This offers great advantages for every vertical we serve:

  • Video streaming: you will always have your public network 100% available for your users, enabling you to host more content with higher, continuous quality.
  • Gaming: private VLAN frees up bandwidth, giving you lower latency and better guaranteed responsiveness of your entire setup.
  • Storage and cloud providers: communication between servers, which are crucial for maintaining sync and integrity of distributed files, are now much less prone to interference.
  • Video providers: your public network will always be fully available for your users. You will have more capacity to sell, with higher continuous quality.
  • Enterprise customers now have a guaranteed bandwidth of either 10Gbit or 25Gbit, without having to reserve any of it for server-to-server communications.

If you have any questions about these new functionalities, please don't hesitate to contact us!

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